DUI Treatment Court Program

What is the DUI Treatment Court Program?
The DUI Treatment Court Program is a court supervised, intensive, outpatient alcohol and drug treatment program. It is highly structured, consisting of at least 12 months of treatment.
The program requires the defendant to plead guilty and the sentence is held in abeyance until the completion of the DUI Treatment Court Program. Successful completion of the program may result in the dismissal of the charges.
The purpose of the DUI Treatment Court Program is to bring together the criminal justice and public health systems to meaningfully treat alcohol/drug dependent offenders, thereby reducing alcohol/ drug use, increasing public safety and improving the quality of life for the community.
Mission Statement
“The DUI Treatment Court Program of the Fifth Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office is designed to bring together the criminal justice and public health systems along with other community partners, to address alcohol and drug dependent offenders. The program focuses on the reduction of alcohol and drug related traffic offenses through judicial intervention with the goal of improving community safety and the quality of life.” –DUI Court Staff
Who Can Apply
Participants must be residents of Richland or Kershaw Counties and be 18 years of age or older. The participant must have a history of alcohol/drug dependency and convictions for Driving Under The Influence (DUI) 2nd offense or above, or a Felony DUI, to apply for this program. Above all, the participant must have a desire to change and remain alcohol/drug free. Referrals can be made by prosecutors, law enforcement, public defenders, private attorneys, family members or the defendants themselves. To begin the process, contact the DUI Treatment Court Program Office. It is very important to discuss the program with your attorney.
The DUI Treatment Court Program Exclusions Include:
- Probation for a violent crime to include stalking and harassment
- Pending charges that may prevent completion of the program
- Prior convictions (s) for pending charge for a violent crime to include stalking and harassment
- Chronic mental illness
- Companion Weapon charges
- Domestic Violence
- History of selling/dealing drugs
- Lewd Act on a Minor
- Gang Affiliation
- Criminal Sexual Conduct with a Minor in the 3rd Degree charges
Program Requirements
To enter the program a defendant must admit his/her guilt. Jurisdiction of the charges will be transferred by the court system to the DUI Treatment Court Program. The transferring court will accept the guilty plea and hold the sentence in abeyance. Upon successful completion of the Program, the Judge may dismiss the case or, in matters where it would not be prudent to dismiss the conviction, the Judge may terminate the sentence and the defendant would not serve any jail time.
Intensive Outpatient Treatment Plan
Phase I
- Orientation session/initial assessment
- Treatment plan is established
- 2 group sessions per week
- Minimum of 2 self-help (AA/NA) meetings per week
- Appearance in DUI Treatment Court bi-monthly
- Alcohol monitoring device (SCRAMX) worn 24/7
- Random drug testing
- Proof of employment
Advancement from Phase I to Phase II is contingent upon the participant’s motivation and progress, and approval by the DUI Treatment Court Program Team.
Phase II
- 2 group sessions per week
- Minimum of 3 self-help (AA/NA) meetings per week
- Appearance in DUI Treatment Court bi-monthly
- Alcohol monitoring device (SCRAMX) worn 24/7
- Random drug testing
- Proof of employment
Following advancement to Phase II, the treatment provider will review the treatment plan with the participant and establish specific goals to be reached. A relapse prevention plan will be created with the participant as well.
Advancement from Phase II to Phase III is contingent upon the participant’s motivation and progress, and approval by the DUI Treatment Court Program Team.
Phase III
- 1 group session per week
- Minimum of 4 self-help (AA/NA) meetings per week
- Appearance in DUI Treatment Court once per month
- Alcohol monitoring device (SCRAMX) worn 24/7
- Random drug testing
- Proof of employment
- Relapse prevention plan
In order to graduate from the DUI Treatment Court program, participants must meet all financial obligations with the Treatment Provider.
For more information or to apply, please contact:
DUI Treatment Court Program
The Fifth Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office
Post Office Box 192 (29202)
1701 Main Street, West Wing
Columbia, South Carolina 29202
Phone: (803) 576-1893
Fax: (803) 576-1592