Solicitor’s Family Court

The Fifth Circuit Solicitor’s Office represents the state of South Carolina in criminal cases filed by law enforcement in both Richland and Kershaw Counties. A diverse team of attorneys represents the office in both circuit court and family court hearings.

South Carolina has a largely centralized juvenile justice system, separate and apart from the adult system. The uniform statewide Family Court system was established by statute in 1976.

The Family Courts generally have exclusive jurisdiction over minors under the age of seventeen alleged to have violated any state law or municipal ordinance. A case or action in the Family Court is initiated with the filing of a summons and complaint. Each juvenile delinquency case involves only one charge or “status offense.”

A “status offense” is a violation of the law by a minor, which would not be criminal if committed by an adult, e.g. truancy or runaway.

The Solicitor’s Family Court Attorney is Kendall Corley. Please click here to contact her.